密蘇里市 (Missouri City) 11月5日特別選舉 將審議14項市憲章修正案

密蘇里市11月5日特別選舉 將審議14項市憲章修正案





市律師E. Joyce Iyamu在8月5日的會議上為市議會簡要解釋了這14項提議的修正案。以下是選民將在選票上看到的內容:


選票語言Shall Section 3.03 and Subsection 3.06.B of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to clarify that City Council determinations as to qualifications for office on the city council shall be subject to judicial review?



選票語言Shall Section 3.04 of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to delete the waiting period for City Council compensation changes and to provide limitations allowing compensation increases only once a year based on the consumer price index and an adopted budget?



選票語言Shall Section 3.05 of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to change the timeframe for electing the mayor pro tem from the second meeting in December to any meeting between Nov. 15 and Dec. 31, but after a general election, if any, in which a member of the council is elected?



選票語言Shall Subsection 3.06.D of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to clarify that the City Council may only appoint a new council member if 12 months or less remain on the unexpired term of office for the vacant position on the council?



選票語言hall Section 3.09 of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to require the City Council to hold at least two meetings per month in 10 months per calendar year and at least one (1) meeting per month in the remaining two months?



選票語言Shall Section 3.10 of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to clarify that less than four council members is required for a quorum if less members are required for a quorum pursuant to state law?



選票語言Shall Section 3.14 of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to remove the requirement to print the Missouri City Code every 10 years due to technological advances?



選票語言Shall Subsection 4.01.D of Article IV of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to allow the city manager to appoint, suspend or remove all or any one of the city’s department directors after an official meeting with the council for discussion and deliberation?



選票語言Shall Subsection 4.01.E of Article IV of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended for consistency with Section 3.08 of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City to allow a former member of the City Council to be chosen as city manager or acting city manager after one (1) year of leaving office?



選票語言Shall Subsection 4.06.E of Article IV of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to authorize the city manager to prepare and adopt personnel rules after an official meeting with the council for discussion and deliberation?



選票語言Shall Subsection 4.06.F be added to Article IV of the Charter of the city of Missouri City to continue to require the City Council to adopt a pay plan, including incentive pay, by ordinance?



選票語言Shall Section 6.05 of Article VI of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to require the city secretary to verify the residency of a candidate for office by requiring an affidavit and viewing a Texas driver’s license or identification card and utility bills, deeds, leases or rental agreements, homestead exemption documentation, or other documents containing an address that can be used to allow a Texas voter to cast a ballot pursuant to state law for the applicable residency period?



選票語言:Shall Section 9.09 of Article IX of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to authorize the city manager and financial services director to sign checks instead of the mayor and the city manager?



選票語言Shall Section 3.09 of Article III of the Charter of the city of Missouri City be amended to eliminate the prohibition against public official’s being financially interested directly or indirectly in contracts let by the city and require, in lieu of such provision, public officials to follow state law conflicts of interest procedures and additional mandatory disclosure requirements?




Source: Community Impact

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