
德州中文台與林欣慧教授 2024特別座談

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講員(Speaker):方雪莉 Shelley Fang Rote, MD Chief Resident of Education Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Baylor College of Medicine

1/6/2024 星期六 ( 限高中及大學學生參與 ) 英語討論 / 解答
  1. 分析心理健康的重要性
  2. 面對壓力的處理
  3. 自殺意識的了解
  4. 情緒和行為問題的解答
1/7/2024 星期日 ( 限父母參與)
  1. 父母們將學習如何與需要支持來改善心理健康的成年子女合作.
  2. 分析子女的壓力與行為

請先電話登記, 713-839-1880

為保護私人隱私, 德州中文台將個別通知活動地點與時間



  1/6/24 Saturday (limited to high school and college students (English Based) This seminar will be delivered by a psychiatrist and will focus on people who are high school or college students The topics are listed below:

  • Understand mental health and mental illness.
  • Suicide awareness and intervention.
  • Understanding anxiety and depression.
  • Questions and Answers

1/7/2024 星期日: Parents only This seminar will be a continued one from the previous day. The participants are parents only. The topics for this seminar are listed below.

  • Understand mental health and mental illness.
  • Understand kids’ stress and behavioral problems.
  • How to communicate with adult children?
  • Offer support to children.
  • Questions and Answers

Please call to register, 713-839-1880

To protect personal privacy, we will individually notify the location and time of the seminar.

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